Life in the fast lane

fastlanevlLife in the fast lane. This title seems fitting to what it is like here. December is already upon us. Soon 2016 would be gone and 2017 would take its place. Where has the time flown? It seems as if it was just yesterday that I was making New Year resolutions. This year had its share of gladness and sadness, but we have made it so far. I am thankful for all the many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me. Each day is a gift that I gladly receive.

This past Thanksgiving, I was very happy to have another get-together with the kids. Though a couple of them could not make it, we were still able to get some time in with them at my mother-in-law’s house on Thanksgiving Day. I had my dinner the Friday after Thanksgiving. There was so much to eat that we still have leftovers. I’d  made a baked whole chicken, green beans casserole, cornbread, creamed corn, sweet corn (these were left over from the cornbread)baked beans, deviled eggs, rolls, potato salad, baked potatoes, jalapeno macaroni and cheese, roast beef. For dessert, we had oreo pudding pie, chocolate cream pie, bacon cheese roll with crackers, egg nog and a pumpkin cheese cake. The kids enjoyed themselves. We were even able to have a family photo and some silly ones too. I did watch what I was eating though the food was high calorie. I did not overeat. I wish I had more time to make healthier meals that they kids would love (not all of them but some), but I was already hurting from all the cleaning and packing I had to do to get the place organized.

Speaking of health, I am taking the tablet for my racing heart and the cholesterol meds. When I first took the heart tablets, I had a couple days adjusting to it. My blood pressure started to drop. The first day, hubby had to keep an eye on me because my blood pressure read 68/58. He called the pastor whose wife had problems with her blood pressure skyrocketing and dropping really low. The pastor told him to let me drink lots of water and to keep moving about. It actually helped bring my blood pressure up. I’d felt very weak that day. Hubby kept monitoring me. Thank goodness all that is over with now. I still get a little off feeling every now and then but my blood pressure is getting to normal. I do still occasionally suffer from the racing heart especially at night. One night this week, I was asleep and was woken up by a scratching at my bedroom window. My heart started pounding and hurting. I looked at my fitness tracker which records the heart rate and it was 103. The noise actually was from some high winds we were getting. It took quite some time before I was able to get back to sleep.

My cardiologist has suggested for me not to go to the chiropractor for the rib pains I keep getting from the costochondritis. He gave me a prescription for some anti-inflammatory pills which he told me to use for 10 days straight. I did and it has helped a lot. He ordered for more than 10 days so that I can have whenever the costochondritis flares up. It is something that seems not to go away. Apart from all that, I have started to walk a little more frequently on the treadmill for 30 minutes- not fast. Sometimes it is 2.2 to 2.5 miles per hour. I do not want to go very fast to trigger my heart racing and hurting me. I tend to hurt when it beats very fast. I am still watching what I am eating and have been doing well to maintaining my weight. I still have at least fifteen pounds to go, though I would be happy to lose more than that. If I was able to lift weights or do resistance exercises without hurting, I know I could lose the weight much faster but I just cannot do them. I’d be in pain for days afterwards.

Yes, life is going by fast. My youngest son is going to graduate with his bachelor’s in two weeks time. Christmas is right around the corner. I have started shopping for deals. This year is ending with me taking medications that I never thought I would have to take. I am thankful for still being alive, for my husband who always tries his best for us to have a better life, for our kids, our church family who are always praying for each other and last but not least for my Lord, who gives me the strength that I need each day. I am thankful. I am blessed.

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